Fascinates me, I live in a house where everything is seen thru a political lens, Mike views everything in terms of what it says about demographics and constituencies on a granular level. And we've both gotten past the point of lamenting that this crap is happening, only what is says about the fault lines in the electorate in the next election matters.
And this, while we all wish 'we the people' were past this, as a white woman from rural Texas living with a black man from Jersey, neither of us are surprised with the emergent cruel crazy. We've both seen so much of it that we don't embrace it personally.
But I was raised with this white supremacists sh*t so the good news is that on a very granular level, in the local communities, the worm is turning. I know these folks and they might be conservative--hell, some of them will tell you to your face they are 'uncomfortable' with black folks--but they don't want to be made to look the fool by these bullies and a**hats.
And they don't want this drama and attention. Much as observers can wistfully fantasize a world where everyone held hands and loved on each other, in some places the mere fact that white folks are only prepared to let others live and let live has to be considered a victory.
One that also bodes well for November.