First issue is that dreadful click bait title, because — in fact — black Americans, especially women, are critical to beating Trump. They didn’t show up in the numbers in ’16 as they did for Obama and look where that got us. Now I can also say with some clarity that the Sanders voters who voted Democratic in the primary then voted for Trump — esp in the three determinant swing states — had something to do with that. But together it definitely tipped the scales. So your premise is wrong.
But beyond that, African-Americans have worked hard to secure their rights to vote in a country that often has not given them reason to give a rat’s ass and for you to just — out of hand — start there…that just sounds like one of the knuckleheaded kids on Medium trying to write for the clicks cause he’s paying his rent off this platform.
Minimizing the importance and the influence of the black vote, even in a quick toss off piece with a bad title, just makes me cringe. And the fact that you are pretty clearly a smart enough guy that you shouldn’t need to be told that only makes me cringe harder.