For the Love of God, Don’t Live and Die By Polls

Gayle Leslie
4 min readJul 4, 2024

The methodology on current polls is designed to support the pollster’s forgone conclusion.

The beginning of bad polling: They all said Dewey was the man, but he wasn’t.

Laurence O’Donnell does a brilliant deconstruction of the actual implications of the Biden / Trump debacle, so in case y’all have forgotten that Bill Clinton in 1992, George W. Bush in 2000 and Barack Obama 2012 failed miserably in first debate: just keep that in mind.

Please! Please! Please! I will beg if it will help. Don’t get obsessed with polls: I am going to tell you all a secret: most people under 45 do not use landlines and they do not answer calls from numbers they do not recognize, so who are they talking to? A significant number of voters under 70 living in metropolitan areas — like myself and everyone I know — don’t use landlines and don’t answer numbers we don’t recognize. Again, who is answering the phone?

Effectively, what that means is that most pollsters are only talking to older, mostly conservative voters in generally more suburban and rural areas who answer the phone so they know what they can expect from that demographic, and that is how…

