Glad you enjoyed the read. But these were not likely centrists. They were more likely just non-voters who spend way too much time in the dark acting out on Daily Kos. I’ve never seen an actual moderate or left leaning Democrat behave this badly, but I was slammed with the “c-word” — at Secretary Clinton and myself — in ’16 by Sanders most extreme supporters. Including some public figures who one would think would think better of it. So I’m not sure where your broad strokes about “centrist” thing comes from but this is not my tribe.
And what I saw of “white liberals” when I was writing about Kamala Harris was positively abhorrent. So don’t grow impervious to the darkness of people who cloak themselves in any ideology. And don’t generalize so willingly about people you do not know and, from the sound of it, have not attempted to understand.
And don’t forget that for most of their adult lives, Jeff Epstein and Harvey Weinstein identified themselves as liberals. It’s just a convenient disguise, these labels.