Have you vetted Reade? Woman’s crazy. You all really need to get the part — and this is coming from a #metoo so don’t start that crap — that some women are nuts, do make shit up that when looked into, as this has been, does not hold up. And those are the ones most easily played by opportunists on both sides because they been spinning and embellishing their story for so long that they actually believe it happened. Reade may well be that.
My mother and stepmother both just made the most horrible shit up out of whole cloth and reported out to the world as god’s honest truth. Each crazy story started with a tiny slight they experienced long before that just kept preying on them until they could not help themselves. That is called mental illness.
This gal also thinks Vlad Putin has a crush on her, why don’t you run with that for a ‘click bait’ headline?
She is being played and horribly exploited by people, Trumpers on the right who — while they failed with the Ukraine nonsense — are still looking for something to throw at Biden that will stick, and this is not doing that either. And Berners who just can’t get over the fact that he lost… Again. Because upon vetting, he is an empty bag.
Y’all opened a can of whoop ass with this nutty broad though, and you are doing her no service. In fact, you are being cruel.