He does not have dementia: Biden has a team around him committed to his agenda: I have much to say about the way a brilliant, infinitely competent and qualified woman is being treated so dismissively. I would argue contemptuously.
Biden is old but he's healthy and should he find himself unable to continue, this woman steps in, along with the rest of Biden's infinitely qualified and experienced team.
So I must ask, what are Democrats sh*ting their pants about. I don't see the problem here.Unless, of course, Joe Biden's age is not the problem here, and Democrats really need to ask themselves what the real problem is?
Could it be that there are racists and misogynists and anti-semites in the party aghast at the notion that the 'biracial woman married to the Jew' might realistically ascend to the presidency?
Could it be? Just sayin'.