Man you can spin it till the cows come home if it makes you feel better but i had to cull 80% of my social media to clear all the nasty young white people who went plain mental on my social media pages in ’16.
Have heard from nearly a dozen of them trying to trolling articles in the last 24 hours. Really pathetic crude little foul mouthed little snowflakes, one of which wrote “Bernie!!!” 30 times in my comment section. That was today. And we are not taken off guard this time, people are shutting them down immediately. Blocking. Reposting their gross comments.
So we are not making this crap up, this is bad. I would feel for these clearly troubled young people and fear for their futures if — exactly like the trump bros — there were not so intransigent, repugnant and dangerous. Would say “were they raised by wolves?” but wolves have better parenting.
This is no myth, man. This is Trump-lite. Calling this ‘progressive’ is an oxymoron.