No one is laughing at "Karen" unless they've got their heads up their asses.
I am a middle-aged, highly educated white woman who has been profiled as a Karen more than once, which has been very useful in drawing out what people -- esp some white men -- say when they think they've discovered a like minded soul.
That goes badly for them when the worst of them meet my life-partner, a six foot four black man, then they find out the hard way that I am just an old redneck civil rights activist at heart.
In one case we are even suing bubba, a hardcore, Trump hugging racist at heart. So while I understand what you are saying trust me, nobody is laughing but to cover up their anxiety in the situation. Or they are just morons.
Just sayin', we all need to be careful about our assumptions. But I gotta tell ya, there is nothing the white guys trying rig the system fear more that a white Karen when she goes off, cause the women who behave this way publicly are worse among their own tribe. So from time to time-- sometimes just for fun--I go all "Redneck Karen" on them and they just don't know whether to shit or go blind.