No, you don’t have to support Kamala Harris. The premise is ridiculous.
Your ethnic identity doesn’t matter to me. People make bizarre assumptions about all of us based on utterly stupid shit. I’m white, well educated and from the south and before I got older and more assertive about my truth, far too many of the upwardly mobile people I dealt with in NYC — some of them in the Trump orb — assumed that, because I cleaned up well, this poor white gal from Texas was of their tribe. They found out pretty bluntly that I decidedly was not.
What I do take issue with is your using this as a platform to be misinformed and spread your limited view of Senator Harris. Perhaps you should be more honest about why you are doing this at all, cause I don’t think this is about ethnic identity at all. And I’m doubting people are all that unkind to you about it, at least not about this anyway. The reasons for such sorry behavior around race run much deeper than your politics, it’s pathology.
This, however, is a narrative you created to justify this article.