So you finally made me look up 'cisgender.' I'm not opposed to any self expression or identification in all the world, everyone should live their bliss. But as a middle aged white female I've lived through all the gender wars and gender preference wars, the whole evolution and they've coined so many names for so many 'preferences' that, seriously, would never have occurred to me, that I tend to look up the particulars on a need-to-know basis.
But as a newly identified cisgendered middle aged woman who is content to stick with 'straight white girl', I want to say 'rock on, man.' You so precisely pointed out my own view of these guys -- though only a man ostensibly of that tribe could write about it without a social media crucifixion -- that I wish I had the steam left in me after writing my way through this campaign cycle to write the counter piece about being who I am in a world of unrepentant 'Karens' who enable this nonsense. The white female counters to your stupid white boys are an ilk all their own and an insult to their gender and their race, and they are the only ones too self satisfied to know it.
Another thing to feel a bit guilty about -- as if being white in a world of really stupid white people is not enough -- is that I again reference the 'Karen' meme, knowing full well that I know several really ballsy white gals named Karen who are getting very tired of this and I am sorry about that. But in the current climate it makes a point without further explanation.
So to those gals I say, 'It will pass. Imagine all those kindred spirits who moved through this life named Dick.'