“…there’s a man with a gun over there, tellin’ me I got to beware…”

Gayle Leslie
8 min readJun 5, 2020

carryin’ signs, mostly say ‘hooray for our side…’” ~ Buffalo Springfield, 1968

NYC Protesters June 2, 2020

“I think it’s time we stop, children, what’s that sound
Everybody look what’s going down…”

I went down to Union Square early Tuesday to spend some time with my friend. I traveled from Washington Heights at the far north end of Manhattan on the subway, which — to be honest — has been a real pleasure, if you must travel, since the MTA started steam cleaning the trains every night after the Covid-19 shutdown was instituted. For the most part, there are a handful of people on the trains wearing masks and keeping their distance, which New Yorkers will admit, suits us fine. Absent the tourists and the college kids, the clean trains and lack of drama are most welcome.

It’s always obvious, when people who don’t live here talk about New York City, that most of them have a deep bias about what they have no experience of because they’ve been listening to people who have an agenda. And extremists’ agendas rely on latently terrified, hyperbolic suckers to exist at all.

But this is different. I’d dropped my iPhone a few days earlier so I was traveling without the means to communicate and that bothered me more than I thought it would. If you’ve navigated situations…

