This was fascinating, unlike anything I’ve ever read. I’m assuming, Mr. Mehta, that you are a dug in conservative and apparently okay with Trump. This is clearly thought out and you seem really be committed to this premise, except that you missed one epic point: Donald Trump is a dumpster fire. Conservatives who went this far down this thread without acknowledging what they did to create this American horror story — never mind allowing him to thrive unchecked — were committing political malpractice. There is no conservative party left, because Republicans are devoid of values or principle so what is there to save.
Don’t you understand? The GOP does not survive with Trump. The GOP doesn’t survive without Trump. You created Trump. You did this to yourselves.
The fractures in the Democratic party are not remotely the existential threat that those in the GOP are. Sure, this miscreant has 80% approval among committed Republicans even at this moment as he’s proven to be a traitor and faces impeachment. And, if Senate GOP were to miraculously grow a pair, he could be removed from office. But the party is shrinking dramatically; only 25% of voters even identify as Repubs at this point. The kids are gone. All people of color are gone. Women are gone. You got the old white men who watch FOX News and shout at the TV — but even FOX is fleeing Trump — they will be gone soon anyway. You go some odd young guys who are living in an alternative universe where they think talking like Stephen Miller or Rob Porter might get them laid, but it won’t. They’re creepy.
80% of ten people is eight people. That’s about where you are.
You elected this grifter, you ignored Russia’s election rigging and now you spent all this time on this ridiculous article that has nothing to do with what’s happening out here in real people’s lives.
And you apparently think spending your time writing some utterly delusion take a ship that’s already sailed is a productive move to make. Why?
This was so interesting for so many reasons I never could have anticipated. Sometimes the insight into the way others think is worth just to know how differently someone who is — ostensibly anyway — not a totally idiot can see the same situation.