We are on the same thread. The piece I wrote after the first debate, “Kamala Harris vs Drinking Heavily and Waiting to Die,” went crazy viral and got some vicious and extreme comments from the deep left and the deep right. And I don’t have a doubt that Tulsi Gabbard had her marching orders for that second debate.
The GOP, the Russians and the profoundly racist, misogynist elements on the left are doing what they can to discredit her.
The piece I wrote deconstructing Lara Bazelon’s straight up hit piece has taken on a life of it’s own. So glad folks are catching on cause this became apparent to me after the bizarre response to the first debate, then Gabbard’s utter nuttiness in the second. Following that thread down, they really haven’t even been terribly smart about it, it’s right there if you look at the facts.
Donald Trump was their last best effort of pushing back on all Barack Obama represented and reflected about where “we the people” are headed. Now that he is going down, they really don’t have another idea if Kamala Harris turns out to be another brand of Obama.
Writing about Kamala Harris and watching her navigate all this has only served to solidify my own support for her.
Thank for traveling the path with me.