William, this is a well written article and I appreciate your points. I remember Vietnam and my friend was in the crossfire at Kent State, so I take the free speech and right to protest seriously.
But I think what is happening now is so wrong headed as to more resemble a temper tantrum than a protest. Unlike BLM, an organization comprised of people who are all too aware of the potential consequences of taking to the streets while black, who were prepared to take the heat when law enforcement acts out. In fact, all the destruction and violence associated with BLM were criminals who dropped in after dark to spread chaos. Young black protesters know how badly it can go.
Civil Rights protesters trained in non-violence, taking the blows so law enforcement looked like the bullies they were.
But this is not that. These are by and large kids are very expensive schools disrupting the lives of other young people--esp Jews--without any cogent plan, realistic expectations or any grasp of the potential consequences of those actions. You have to be awfully 'white' and/or privileged to think you can shut down a campus, making it impossible for others to feel safe.
And as Columbia starts the suspensions today, some of these young people will go home to parents who may not have the means to absorb the funds they are pissing away throwing a tantrum at school over an insanely complex and nuanced situation that they are not effecting in any productive way.
I personally am just over the threatening the Biden Administration when Trump is the world's worst possible nightmare as he will give Bibi Netanyahu a license to kill. So making these threats about how 'we are going to take down Genocide Joe' is just stupid, immature and dangerous.
So don't compare this nonsense to Vietnam protesters who had real skin in the game--and they're actions contributed to getting the criminal freak Richard Nixon elected to drag that war on for five more years--or to Civil Rights protesters who trained, knowing the danger and possible 'consequences.'
This. This needs to be over and I think Columbia is finally getting their sh*t together in a rational way, as opposed to UT or Emory who let Bubba take kids to the ground. But if you live in Texas or Georgia and Florida believe that you will not face Abbott's and Kemp's and DeSantis's special brutality...Well, that's just their own damned fault cause Bubba don't play Kumbaya.