Yep. As white gals who've put up with this crap for so long knowing that nothing we can do or say will land a blow the way having Trump's deeply internalized racism and misogyny will shatter him when he is beaten by a black woman. Let alone a beautiful woman who would always have been so far out of his league, cause he still can't stand to believe there's a woman he can't have, especially a woman of color.
My partner is a big black guy and my stepson is a lovely young black man with diabetes; hearing all the ways in which their 'blackness' has been used against them--even as my life has been no cakewalk--has deepened my understanding of how my 'whiteness' has, at least at times, kept me from catching the absolute worst of what the patriarchy of gross men like Trump can bring to bear: 'white privilege' has some strange and very complex manifestations and sometimes it merely means they didn't kill me.
I live in NYC where as a younger woman I traveled in the world of Trump and Weinstein and Epstein, so I'm right there with you with the 'schadenfreude' and I don't feel bad about it at all: 'suck on that motherfucker.' I'm just glad I lived long enough, and now I want to live another 30 years just to see where this tectonic shift takes us.
Trump thru a rally in North Carolina today between two buildings—because they won’t rent to him—surrounded by bullet proof glass: he whined about how unfair it was that Biden pulled a bait and switch, how Michelle and Barack were mean to him. Seriously, I don’t see how Trump holds his bowels for another two and a half months: circumstances are getting truly dire in his head.
It is becoming more clear with every passing day that Barack Obama was never the aberration; Donald Trump was the aberration. It must just grind his balls when he watches the DNC and sees all those joyful black people and women and LGBTQ folks and Muslims he cannot control: looks like the slaves and the mammies took over the plantation house and are dancin' on the good wood.
This is the piece I wrote five years ago after the first debate that went crazy viral: my partner is a political scientist but I have the political instincts. I told him last night that I am taking some quiet pride in having called this all after the first debate when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris stood at the end of the stage chatting: I said 'that's the ticket.' And she will follow Joe straight into the White House. It's nice to be so right, even when only a few people know it.