You know, I am so tired of this. Especially in the south we keep hearing white parents whine about how they don't want CRT -- translate that to black history because CRT is not taught in K-12 at all and these idiots are just ignorant--they don't want it taught because they don't want little white kids to 'feel guilty' about being white.
Well maybe there should be a little shame involved in this behavior. Maybe little white children should grow up feeling like treating black folks this way is something to be ashamed of. God knows, as a white southerner, I feel some same about it when white people behave this way cause it makes me look bad. It makes us all look bad and maybe that's not a bad thing, and if we don't like it maybe we should tell bubba unequivocally that we won't put up with it.
I don't know when telling your kids that there is behavior that warrants being ashamed of became bad parenting cause that sounds to me like shame is not such a bad thing if it keeps people from engaging in and applauding this shit.