You make some excellent points and — if you read my posts — you know swearing is not a particular bug up my ass.
And I absolutely agree about these political “dynasties,” but I think lumping the Kennedys in with the Trumps is a bit extreme. Kennedys have done some good things and are, by and large, earnest in their intentions. If you don’t like them, don’t vote for them. That means, don’t vote for young Joe, as he looks like the last cousin standing.
And the Clintons are hardly royalty, let alone a dynasty: there are only two of them and from what I understand, they are off in the woods drinking Chardonnay and playing with the grandbabies. Chelsea doesn’t appear remotely interested in politics, and by the time her kids can even consider a run at anything, we will all likely be quite old — or dead.
And the Bushs — the poor poor Bushs — they all look pretty much like they are fading away. Doubt even Jeb could win in a race for dog catcher at this point.
So that really only leaves the Trumps and the occasional Kennedy: there’s not much “royalty” there. Did you see the turnout at that Don Jr.’s rally? Do you really think Ivanka can organize a proper shoe display, let alone a campaign? And sad Eric, he can’t even take a good picture. So if you don’t vote for that last Kennedy and we don’t re-elect fuckstick, it would appear this problem resolves all on its own.
Just sayin’.