You make some good points but you do exactly the thing that is so divisive: you tell everybody that sees anything even incrementally differently that they don’t matter. That they are cowards who shouldn’t matter. You tell everybody who identifies as a moderate that they are just not with the program.
Well, I’m pretty much an activist these days though I would likely be identified from the outside as a “liberal” and the farther right you are, the farther left I look. But in a more balanced world, one where the madness of Donald Trump was not the measure of us all, I would call myself a left leaning moderate.
I would say “medicare for all” is a great objective but realistically, even if everybody signed off on it tomorrow, it will take a decade to implement. But god forbid Kamala Harris say so, she’s just not radical enough for the left when she states the obvious. The truth is — and I wish she would just say it — her plan is Obamacare 2.0 and that’s fine with me.
If you ask Elizabeth Warren I think she would tell you all her plans will take some time to implement because she’s old enough to know that not everybody comes along as fast as a young person with a loud voice and energy to spend a lot of time screaming would wish.
And Pete’s been a mayor, a soldier and a gay man so he knows something about the time it takes. I’ve not heard him once resort to dismissing others in and “either/or” proposition. But that is your premise: either/or and most of life happens in the middle.