Your piece is utterly riddled with non-committal untruths: this was no coup, Donald Trump is a profoundly corrupt, incompetent man. The evidence of impeachable offenses keeps growing beyond what anyone could have imagined. Hell, just yesterday Mick Mulvaney admitted the quid pro quo they demanded from Ukraine for military assistance — and he did it on the White House lawn. And the idiot himself gave the contract for next year’s G7 to his own golf club, how dirty and obvious about it can he be: my own hope is that all the other member nations simply decline the invitation and hope that this creep is gone before the next conference.
Despite your insinuating otherwise, Joe Biden was leading a global coalition in his dealings with Ukraine, they call that doing his job. And whether you like the fact that his father’s position allowed Hunter Biden to avail himself of opportunities that probably would have been better passed by, he did nothing illegal. Seriously, those Trump kids are so hardwired for the grift that they can’t do anything legal cause they don’t have an instinct for doing the right thing. But slide in a little lie about Biden’s son like what… so clever.
This is a pitiful bit of poor dissembling — you are not saying what you really want to say, just alluding in some vague, badly articulated direction — a weak passive aggressive rationalization of the GOP and this psychopaths failure to defend this country.
And Nancy Pelosi has been the most astute public servant of her time, knowing what to do and when to do it, even when others were pushing her to go against her best instincts. And she was right.
Not really sure what you think you are doing but it is misguided at the core.