You’ve obviously connected the dots on this and I am completely in agreement that a White House without John Bolton in it is a less dangerous one, even if only marginally. But we all will agree that Donald Trump left to his own devices is nothing to feel good about.
So just a little story to illuminate the general opinion of John Bolton as the nerd he is: roughly a dozen years ago I was working for an event planning organization, doing very high-end gigs for non-profits here in Manhattan. We were doing a fundraiser for a Jewish group on 42nd Street and for reasons I will never understand, someone invited John Bolton to speak.
He arrived alone and I checked him in. He looks exactly as he appears to on television, like someone told him a long time ago that that unkept mess on his head and that uncoiffed mess of a mustache gave some impression that he thought desirable. And his suits are frumpy. And like Trump, this is the same look he’s maintained for decades, the only things that have changed is that his hair has gone grey.
He was socially awkward, no one was much interested in making small talk with him. A clumsy guy fighting his impulse to fully express himself as a “bull in the china shop.” Just not a pleasant or interesting or gracious guy, at all.
But he did express himself when he spoke, he was all in for Israel attacking pretty much any other nation state — with the full support — of the U.S. that looked crossways in their direction.
What was interesting, though, was that as his comments were winding down three high dollar tables stood up and walked out. They didn’t even try to pretend they were not making a direct statement on Bolton’s rhetoric. They all just picked up their bags and left without waiting for dinner.
These dopey looking white guys that Trump has going in and out of the administration are all just losers who sat around developing these creepy, hostile ideas because no one wanted to engage them. They are just nerds with far too many dangerous toys.